What are the Next Steps in Your Journey of Faith?
Whether you are someone who’s curious about Christianity, a new believer, or a life-long follower of Jesus, we ALL have next steps we can take in our journey of faith. At Rise OC, we often talk about our passion to be a church that is similar to a healthy flowing river! As God pours his love and life into us, we also pass that on to others - creating a steady flow of God’s love to everyone around us. Take a moment to consider some of these next steps listed below!
New Believers
What does it mean to be a Christian? Is Christianity the same as other religions? What do Christian’s believe? If you recently became a Christian or have questions about Christianity, our New Believers class is an excellent way for you to learn more and ask any questions you might have. If you’re interested in our New Believers class or would like to meet with a pastor to discuss your journey of faith, please contact office@riseoc.church!
Water Baptism is a public declaration that we have accepted Jesus as our Lord and savior! This is commonly enacted through submersion under water and then rising back up signifying our spiritual rebirth through our faith in Jesus as Lord. This is a statement of faith that Jesus asks of all believers and modeled when he himself was baptized by John the Baptist at the beginning of his ministry. If you would like to know more about Baptism, please contact office@riseoc.church for information about our Baptism class!
Prayer is a huge part of our faith as Christians! We pray to communicate with God and ask for his help, to give him praise for who he is and how he has blessed us, and to align ourselves with his mission and vision for our lives! Prayer is powerful and a necessary part of our personal health. If you would like to learn more about prayer or get connected to serve in our Prayer ministry, please contact office@riseoc.church for more information!
There are many ways you can serve God through volunteering at Rise OC! Service is a way for us to use our God given gifts, abilities, experiences and resources to reach out to our community and encourage our church family to grow. If you would like to know more about how you can serve in one of our Rise OC ministries, please contact office@riseoc.church for more information!
God has given us his word as a companion and guide for our life! When we study the Bible we learn about who God is and who we are to God. At Rise OC we have several opportunities for you to grow through studying God’s word! Check out a Sunday worship service, Life Together Small Group, Bible Study or go through and online study at your own pace with RightNow Media! RightNow Media is a Christian streaming service that the church has purchased for your use - kind of like a Bible Study Netflix! There are thousands of video lessons you can access for free by signing up for RightNow Media (click HERE).